Sunday, November 9, 2008


Life is pretty awkward right now. I'm so busy with everything, I have no time for anyone. This guy wants us to be in a relationship ... but I can never see him so what is the point? Seriously. I don't have time for any of my friends, so why would I make time for a guy. Ugh. I'm pretty blessed that I have some BFF's and one BnFF! haha two girls, I would be lost without. They make the darkness, sunny. haha You get the gist. I love them so much, and now I was introduced to this guy over the weekend and he is super funny ... so we are BnFF's! Best new Friends Forever. (:

I really don't want to go back to school tomorrow. I feel so over whelmed, almost as if I can't breathe because I have so much stuff due, so much stuff to do, and so much stuff that was due forever ago. I cannot believe that I'm a senior and that I'm actually close to turning 18! I am really starting to feel like I'm growing up. Life is looking up and time is going by faster than I ever thought it would. Back in elementary and middle school I thought it seemed like a whole eternity before I would be a senior. I never knew I would be the preson that I am today. It's so overwhelming, just like everything else in my life.

I'm super excited, I'm going to Mexico the day after Christmas. I was completly cleared on my neck for the "year check-up" so I can do whatever I want ... so Mexico, here I come! (: I'm going with my Dad, Step-mom and Half-brother. I think it is going to be a blast, leaving COLD Utah and going to Hot Mexico. I get to go and meet real live Mexicans, I mean there are a ton here in Midvale ... but I .... no, I was going to say I could use my spanish but I have to do that here as well, so I don't know if it will be much difference. (: I'm totally joking, I'm not racist or anything but literally I'm the only white person on my street.

I'm finally getting over a friend, I never thought I would get over ... and it's super hard ... I wonder what made this person change. I wonder why people in general change. I mean, I know I changed a lot for the better. I didn't change for anyone, changed for ME and ME only. I feel betrayed by so many people. I don't really talk to anyone at school. I've always been someone that everyone talks to, and everyone gets along with. But at my school currently, I don't feel that way so much. I miss my old school, and my old friends. I miss being able to be me, and everyone accepting me. But change happens, to those who need it most.

I just needed to rant a little, more of my blogs will be structured and neater than this one. I'm sorry, about the rant, but sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Have a wonderful Sunday (:

1 comment:

Alexis' Blog said...

oh cute! i am happy you get to go to mexico and i expect a present from there!!! haha and just letting you know i love you for you!!!!!! =]