Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The internet has a mind of it's own.

Yesterday I didn't get on to blog because my internet has a mind of it's own.

So yesterday I did some fun stuff, not really . . . my life is pretty boring but I need to log it for future generations, or so they say. (:

All's I can remember from yesterday was two things; going to the gym and playing disc golf with Alexis.

Today is a whole different story.

1) I actually got to sleep in!!! This is phenominal. I rarely sleep past 6:20 . . . sad but true.

2) I got right up and went to the gym. I ran 3 miles in 41 minutes. Not bad!!! (:

3) I then went to my grandma's and did laundry. I didn't have a lot until I stripped my bed because I poured water all over myself and the sheets last nigh. Alright, funn story . . . are you ready!?

So I got up some time last night, no idea when and I guess got a bottle of water. Well I was sleeping in bed and must have been drinking that water in my bed because I woke myself up to a frozen cold splash of water to my face. It was so funny I busted up laughing in the middle of the night to a soaked bed. I thought for a second I pee'd my pants. (:

4) I went tanning, it was fantastic tomorrow is the last of my pass so I'll be sad but I still have four stand up bed days, and I'm thrilled for that! At least my day won't revolve around what time I need to go tanning anymore!

50) Once I got home I jumped in the shower and went to Alexis' house and hung out with her and Bean (her dog) and Stockton. He's a cool kat. ha-ha. We watched a bit of a movie called Nick & Norah's Playlist. Then they were like we're hungry, so . . . we went and got chinese food. It was pretty delicious. When we got back to Alexis' house I listened to her play the guitar. She's fantastic at it, literally. And then Stockton taught her how to long-board. She's a real natural (: It was fun!

Well, now here I am . . . posting this blog. I guess there were a few other things that have happened over the past couple days the one that most sticks out in my head is about a boy, Chris. Now this boy is actually my type. Sweet, cute, likes coffee, nerdy, smart, and fun. Well, I was asking him if I was his type and if he would date me when he gets back from Oregon for the summer for a job he has out there. He said, " I thought we talked about this. And really you are a good friend and I try not to really even concentrate on dating. With my divorce and all. I hate to sound cliche. I would just rather go with the flow and let the chips fall where they may. If that means dating then it does but I don't want to focus on that." Honestly, it kind of broke my heart a little. I really like him. I'm kind of dating this guy Adam but I really like Chris. Not saying it's a bad thing but Adam does have baggage (again not saying that this is a bad thing just saying . . . ) it's tough. Where Chris has no baggage. I don't know . . . I hate relationships and dating I just want to be done with it and settle down. (: Well, night!

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