Monday, January 18, 2010

New Years Resolution?!

Well, it's now a new year and life is pretty fancy. I am finishing up my pre-req's before I can apply to the College of Social Work. It's so much work, but at least I understand it and I love it (:

Isn't it funny to think of new year resolutions . . . so many people break them, so why start them? Well I can say for myself, I've never had a new years resolution, until this year. But I didn't start it the first of the year, that's just setting myself up for failure. Knowing myself. (: Well, like most other American's it's a resolution to get into shape and feel healthy. Well, it was off to a great start then a long weekend came along, haha. No, I'm doing fairly well. No fast food, one diet soda a day, if that. But my one difficulty in this is eating food that tastes like dirt, literally. Healthy food tastes like dirt, that's when I know it's good for me. More water, exercise, personal trainer, massages, facials, etc, work really well. I hope it isn't just a dud but I don't think it will be with how motivated I am at this point to succeed.

BTW, I lost 6 pounds, gained 2 back since 01/11/10 so I think I'm doing pretty fantastic (:

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I just want to be okay, today.

I miss it. I miss having someone I connect with all the time and I think my only issue is that I don't think I'll ever find as great of a friendship with anyone. Even my best, truest friends ... Lex, Shel and Ash. I won't find anyone like the one and only best friend I've ever had. It scares me to death, honestly. I guess I haven't moved on ... and I never will, even though I want to. Life goes on ...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

My Promise - To Post An Actual Blog

I think that I want to do this by category and how my life is at this point in time; boys, friends, school, family and misc. (:

Boys: Well I'll call this one just by the letter J. What a douche. We dated off and on my junior summer through my senior year until the middle of first semester at the U of U. We probably broke up a total of 7 times. He wanted sex and I wouldn't put out and he didn't even want to meet my family but yet he was saying how much he loved me. Excuse me? You love me AND you want to have sex with me but you don't want to meet my family and you won't let me meet your family. Am I just a secret to everyone in your life, I mean ... come on!

In between J I dated a boy from Africa, I thought it was the bomb. His accent was hot and he was even hotter! But he pulled out the, I love you card and wanted to get married to me. Well, I was falling for it until BOOM, "come over, we need to talk" he tells me we need to get married because he needs to renew his visa. Peace Out, Doucher! haha

Recently I was just friends with this guy but we talked about being possibly more. The only problem was the fact that I didn't want him to be the rebound, it just isn't fair! I had broken up with J I'd say between a month to two months before and I knew I still had feelings for him, strong feelings for him and I just wanted anything to get my mind off of him. Me and this guy I'm just friends with is still my friend but he told me he wouldn't pursue me as anything more and that's all good. I know maybe one day we might be able to be something because he's confessed that he can see me in his future. We'll see how he works out.

Other than this, I'm single. I am young and only 18, well almost 19! I want to have fun and if something happens within that I think I'll be happy with it until then ... single it is!


Friends: Wow - let me just put it this way. I'm no longer friends with some people I never thought I'd loose, ever! It's okay though, it's made me a stronger person and I've been able to be my own friend and learn how to live life alone. It's not really a bad thing. I miss doing everything with someone but I've become content with doing things on my own.


School: Well, I graduate from Itineris Early College High School in 2009. I also gave a speech and it was the hardest speech I'd ever given. These were the best two years of my life at this charter school and I loved it so much and I appreciated all the help from the faculty, teachers, students, etc. after my accident that I couldn't help but cry the WHOLE time! I also graduated from SLCC with my Associates Degree one month before high school. I got my CNA Certification as well! I was quite busy and within all of this I got accepted to the University of Utah, Brigham Young University, Westminster, Utah State University, Portland University, Northern Idaho University, University of Navada Las Vegas and Utah Valley University. Although I choose the U I might transfer one day. I'm content at this point so there is no reason to do so. Last semester I failed one class. I've never done this before and it was the hardest thing I've ever done! I am in the process of applying the the College of Social Work - I'm currently an English Major, Religion Minor & ASL Minor. It will all work out in the end!


Family: This was quite a year ... my great grandma has passed away. She did in September, it was very hard for my family but she left a great legacy behind and I know I am going to follow it. I lived with her a short 5 months and took care of her as best I could. She would have been 95 December 22nd 2009 (: My step-grandpa passed away as well. He was I want to say 76. He was on an LDS Mission in Japan with my step-grandma and enjoyed it as best he could even through the pain. He passed away about a month or so after my great-grandmother. He was a very kind and loving grandpa. I was very happy I got to know him for the short time I knew him. He loved me as one of his own and always wanted to know everything going on in my life.

Well, that's all for now. I think I'll try to post but once a week. It will be fancy (:

Saturday, January 2, 2010

WOW! It's been a year since my last post!

WELL! A lot has changed since my last post. Since my SENIOR year of High School! I met a new, I would say friend and he said he blogs and I was like WOAH! I totally blog haha, only once a year apparently. I am now at the U! No, I'm no longer applying to Nursing School I'm now apolying to get into the College of Social Work. I got my CNA, my AS Degree & my HS diploma. I don't know why I stressed so bad.

I'll post, later but for real this time! hahah Night (: